Marketing Events in 2024

Welcome to the dynamic world of marketing in 2024! In this ever-evolving landscape, launching a new event or navigating the impact of AI on your job requires a strategic approach. Buckle up as we dive into the exciting realm of marketing trends, effective strategies, and the game-changing role of AI.

Marketing a Brand New Event

The Devil is in the Details

Embarking on the journey of marketing a brand-new event? Unleash the power of uniqueness! Begin with attention-grabbing information that leaves your audience curious and hungry for more. Save the logistical nitty-gritty for later and focus on what makes your event unmissable.

Google is Your Superhero

Structured data through coding or using a service like Eventbrite will help land your events high on Google. That way when people simply search for current events in your area, your event will be listed at the top. Rise above the noise and give your event an opportunity to shine!

Tap into Your Network

Networking at other events to build relationships and invoke interest in your own event is a simple and easy “boots on the ground” way to get your message out. Also, don’t forget your existing network of friends, family, and coworkers—let them amplify your event’s reach.

Pro Tip: Create a checklist for event promotion across platforms to leave no stone unturned. If you see an event somewhere, write where you saw it and use it in your own marketing strategy!

How do I track the results of my event?

Face-to-Face Tracking

Engage directly with your audience at the event. Ask them, “How’d you hear about this event today?” One-on-one interactions are golden for gaining valuable insights.

Digital Tracking: Tell Tale Signs

Monitor the metrics on event day. Did your website traffic surge? Were calls and email inquiries off the charts? Leverage hashtags and QR codes to make online tracking a breeze. Set up these mechanisms well in advance for a seamless tracking experience.

Survey Says

We all love a good survey! Don’t we? Surveys are a great way to gather after event data, but they tend to not garner a ton of response. Consider offering a giveaway with your survey to get more hits.

Pro Tip: Purchase a new domain or create a new URL exclusively for event attendees. This will give you complete accuracy when determining which hits came directly from your event. 

Have No Fear, AI is Here

AI is a game-changer with untapped potential. Explore its prowess, especially for small budgets—let it assist in writing, editing, and organizing data. Embrace AI for brainstorming; throw ideas into the mix and witness the innovation. As we navigate the generational shift in the workforce, AI bridges the gap, alleviating shortages and enhancing efficiency.

New Trends in Marketing

Continuing to bridge the gap between offline and online marketing remains of the utmost importance. Crafting a strategy that seamlessly integrates both realms is key. Traditional and digital marketing should always both be a part of the conversation. Prioritize quality over quantity in your content, and opt for soft calls to action for maximum impact. Lead time is your ally—plan projects with a buffer that can adapt to change. And always remember, gratitude goes a long way in building lasting connections.

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, staying ahead means embracing innovation and adapting to trends. Whether you’re orchestrating an event, navigating AI’s impact, or exploring the latest marketing trends, the key is to stay agile, creative, and open to possibilities. Here’s to your marketing success in 2024 and beyond!

To see what’s new in event technology, visit our blog.
To see how Heroic Productions can help make your brand’s story shine, contact us.