Schwan’s Home Delivery Goes Virtual to Announce New Brand
Partnership with Colle McVoy and Schwan's
Launching a new brand is always a big deal. But announcing the rebrand of a wildly popular consumer brand moves into the category of gargantuan.
This is the story of Schwan’s Home Delivery and Yelloh(™).
For the past 70 years, Schwan’s Home Delivery has been delivering high-quality frozen foods for every mealtime occasion. A family-owned company, Schwan’s Home Delivery has more than 3,000 employees and 250 delivery hubs nationwide and has developed major brand recognition because of its iconic yellow trucks that visit neighborhood streets. It’s a great day when Schwan’s Home Delivery is at the door!
Known for its quality and commitment to innovation, Schwan’s Home Delivery company leaders decided it was time for a change and its boldest move yet.
In March 2022, Schwan’s Home Delivery announced they were becoming Yelloh(™). This new name and brand identity represents a future-focused and energetic enjoyment of their frozen food delivery service. Bold, indeed!
So, how should this news be shared with the employee base?
It was tremendously important to the Schwan family that the news be delivered personally and with enthusiasm. Enter Heroic’s Studio 15 and live, virtual production.
Working alongside Colle McVoy, Schwan’s Home Delivery brand agency partner, we crafted a plan to broadcast a live announcement at 7:30 am in each of the four U.S. time zones. Why? Paul Schwan wanted to speak directly to its employees in each region as they were getting ready to start their work day.
Colle McVoy selected Heroic’s team and studio to ensure the success of this most important announcement. Our Executive Producer, Project Manager, and VP of Technical Production “set the stage” complete with a virtual platform, customized studio set, and top-to-bottom run of show for the day we went live.
With access to Studio 15’s flexible working space, the executive and production teams settled into our environment, making full use of the dressing and makeup rooms, private conference rooms, and of course, the studio itself.
On brand announcement day, the 20-minute event included a live broadcast led by Paul Schwan, Executive Chairman and CEO and joined by other company executives. Following a recap of the company’s history, the new name and brand identity, truck graphics, uniforms, and messaging were shared through beautiful animation across our LED panel backdrop. The stream and platform allowed employees to interact with comments and questions.
What a way to start the day! Each employee tuning in to the virtual event experienced a studio-quality, energetic, and personal glimpse into the future of this 70-year legacy brand.
Sharing with the world
Following the virtual announcement, Yelloh news traveled quickly and was met with enthusiasm inside and outside the company. And importantly, company leaders honored and respected their team of employees all across the country by speaking directly to them first, before their bold move was revealed to all.
A big thank you to our friends at Colle McVoy and Yelloh for trusting us with this important event.
Learn more about Studio 15 and Heroic Productions today!