Shakespearean Kitty Hart on Thoughts That Rock Podcast

Hey there, fellow champions of personal and professional development! We’re excited to bring you the highlights from Kitty Hart’s recent appearance on the Thoughts That Rock podcast with hosts Jim Knight and Brant Menswar. Kitty, Heroic Productions’ VP of Client Brand Experience, shared three transformative thoughts on how to become the star of your own show every day.

Shakespearean Kitty on Thoughts That Rock Podcast

THOUGHT #1 – View All the World as a Stage & Every Person a Player

To quote Shakespeare Kitty says, “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” This profound thought holds the key to success both personally and in the business world. So, how do we apply this wisdom in our daily lives?

  • Lists as GPS: Think of your to-do lists as your guiding stars. But remember, it’s not just about having a list; it’s about tackling it with purpose and enthusiasm.
  • Dress for Success: Everything you do helps you create your own personal brand. This starts with the clothes you wear and how you present yourself. Kitty suggests thinking about the people you will be interacting with for the day and “level up one.” This shows people that you care and have come to the table prepared. 
  • Are You the Star or an Extra?: Brant challenged us to think about our daily approach. Are you treating each day like you’re a star in your own show, or are you merely an extra in someone else’s story? Remember, your power lies in your ability to take the lead.

THOUGHT #2 – Be Who You Are: It’s All About Authenticity (To Thine Own Self Be True)

People see through inauthenticity. Kitty passionately rejects the notion of “fake it till you make it.” Instead, she encourages you to manifest and work towards the life of your dreams. 

  • Authentic Armor: Authenticity is like a protective coat of armor. It’s crucial to find your voice and stick with it.
  • Adapt Without Compromising: Jim reminds us that it’s okay to adapt to different audiences, but your core beliefs, values, and goals should always stay the same. The show must go on, even if you need to leave some baggage at the door.
  • Discover Your Non-Negotiables: As Brant puts it, “You can’t be authentic until you figure out what your non-negotiable values are.” These principles are your compass in the vast world of life and work.

THOUGHT #3 – Bring Out the Best in Others

Kitty concluded her podcast appearance with yet another Shakespearean gem, “We know what we are but not what we may be.” It’s all about bringing out the best in others and fostering an environment of growth and support. 

  • Acknowledgment and Encouragement: Celebrate the strengths of others by acknowledging their talents. A simple compliment can have a tremendous impact. There is enough room for everyone to win.
  • The Power of Leaders: Brant emphasized the importance of strong leaders, citing Michael Jordan as an example. While we need “Mr. Rogers” vibes, we also benefit from those who challenge us to be better. Healthy competition can be a powerful motivator.
  • Choices in Leadership: Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to bringing out the best in others. Leaders may need to tailor their approaches when deciding how to inspire and lead, but the common goal is to help everyone reach their full potential.
Shakespearean Kitty on Thoughts That Rock Podcast

So, there you have it! Three powerful thoughts to help you become the star of your own show every day. With Kitty’s wisdom and a touch of Shakespearean inspiration, you’re well on your way to achieving your personal and professional goals.

Let’s embrace each day as our own show, and make it a blockbuster worth watching!

Explore more about Heroic Productions, visit our website.

To get in touch with Kitty Hart directly, simply shoot her an email.

Crafting Brand Design and Experiences: Insights From Kitty Hart on Corporate CPR

In the ever-evolving world of branding and marketing, it’s crucial to ask yourself a vital question: Are you telling the right story about your brand? To explore this intriguing topic, we turn our attention to the expertise of Kitty Hart, Heroic’s VP of Brand Experience, who recently shared her invaluable insights on the Corporate CPR podcast. With 25 years of experience in the branding and marketing arena, Kitty is a seasoned pro in crafting remarkable brand design and experiences. In the episode, she discussed a plethora of ideas that can transform the way you perceive and present your brand. Let’s dive into her wisdom and discover how you can breathe new life into your brand’s story.

Designing Every Interaction with Control and Consistency

Kitty’s first nugget of wisdom is all about designing every interaction your audience has with your brand. She states, “If you leave things undesigned, you will have misunderstanding.” She emphasizes that successful companies understand the significance of designing every moment, as it directly influences the way your brand is perceived.

Brand consistency is like the North Star guiding your audience through the galaxy of options. To maintain a positive brand perception, companies must control and be consistent in how their brand shows up in various instances. This consistency ensures there’s no room for misunderstanding about your brand.

Kitty underscores that the integration of design thinking into your business strategy is the secret sauce for creating memorable brand experiences. It’s not just about how your brand looks, but also how it feels. A well-thought-out design thinking approach can revolutionize your brand’s story and engagement.

Kitty Hart on Corporate CPR podcast: Crafting Brand Design and Experience

Listening and Adapting: Keeping a Finger on the Pulse

To gauge how well your brand is perceived, Kitty advises brands to actively monitor social media and conduct surveys. “Social media is a good sounding board,” she says. If people aren’t talking about your brand or are expressing negative sentiments, it may be an indicator that improvements are needed. Listening and adapting are essential to keeping your brand fresh and relevant.

Crafting a Clear Brand Story: Your “Why” Matters

Crafting a clear and compelling brand story, grounded in your “why,” is pivotal. Kitty emphasizes the importance of involving a cross-section of your organization to create and maintain a consistent brand message. A well-crafted brand story not only informs but also inspires.

Shift in Perspective: Beyond Products and Services

For your brand to truly stand out, Kitty suggests shifting the focus from products and services to the results and impact on customers. Challenge the status quo and emphasize why you do what you do. Your brand is more than just what you sell; it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.

Design and Visuals Matter: Creating Engaging Environments

Visuals, staging, and technology play a significant role in crafting engaging and enjoyable corporate events. A well-designed environment enhances the learning experience and leaves a lasting impression. So, pay attention to the aesthetics of your brand’s touchpoints.

Balancing Content and Engagement: Keep Them Wanting More

Successful events strike a balance between informative content and enjoyable elements like entertainment and networking. Kitty advises keeping attendees engaged and looking forward to future events. It’s all about creating experiences that people want to be a part of.

Kitty’s Top 3 Takeaways for You

  • Consistency is Key: No matter the size of your company, maintaining brand consistency is vital.
  • Focus on Delivery: Observe how your product or service is delivered from beginning to end – encompassing words, visuals, behaviors, and more.
  • Learn from Others: Look beyond your industry to find inspiration in what other brands are doing. Apply these insights to your own business.

Kitty Hart’s wisdom is a treasure trove for anyone seeking to take their brand’s story to the next level. Remember, your brand is an ever-evolving story, and by embracing these insights, you can craft experiences that resonate with your audience, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts and minds. So, are you ready to tell the right story about your brand? Kitty Hart has given you the roadmap; now it’s your turn to embark on the journey. Happy branding!

To learn how Heroic can help you create memorable experiences, contact us.

To learn more about how Kitty Hart spearheaded Heroic’s rebrand, visit our blog post.

Kitty Hart Discusses Brand Experience on Your Business Greatness Podcast

Simone Sloan and Kitty Hart bring the magic to Your Business Greatness podcast! In an exciting episode of Your Business Greatness, Kitty Hart, the VP of Client Brand Experience at Heroic Productions, takes us on a journey through the world of brand storytelling and creating remarkable brand experiences.

Kitty’s Lesson in Sales

Kitty’s career began in sales, driven by the belief that it would give her control over her success. But sales today is so much more. It’s about crafting tailored, unforgettable brand experiences for customers.

“The center of experience design is empathy,” Kitty asserts. If empathy isn’t woven into your process, you’re bound to miss the mark.

Your Business Greatness Podcast with Kitty Hart and Simone Sloan on Brand Experience

Brand Experience Lessons from a Starbucks Cup

Kitty artfully illustrates her point with the Starbucks experience. She describes how Starbucks caters to three types of customers from drive-thru enthusiasts to in-store lingerers and on-the-go orderers. These are three distinct user experiences Starbucks must cater to in order to leave a positive lasting impression on all their customers.

Kitty defines an experience as an interaction, which can be positive, neutral, or negative. Identifying key moments that leave an impression is crucial for businesses to understand and improve their customer interactions. Simone adds, “If you are not thinking through that customer journey and all those different touch points you miss the mark big time, and when you miss the mark big time, it hurts.” 

Heroic’s Dance with Event Marketing

Kitty emphasizes that Heroic is in the business of event marketing, asking: what do we want people to do and feel when they leave the experience? Whether that is in-person or virtual. During COVID we had to learn how to take our business virtual and give attendees the same feeling they would get from an in-person experience. 

Diversity and Inclusion in Events and at Heroic

Regarding diversity and inclusion, Kitty mentions that when bidding on large projects that go through procurement, they are increasingly asked questions about their diversity, equity, and inclusion mission. 

At Heroic, we’ve fostered a culture of unity and mutual respect. Every member of our team is seen and celebrated for the unique role they play, regardless of their background. As a small company that doesn’t frequently hire, we approach each recruitment with a commitment to diversity. Our goal is to place the right individuals in the right positions, based on their skills, passion, and potential.

The Art of Storytelling and Electrifying Experiences

Simone Sloan and Kitty Hart delve into the nuances of brand storytelling and the art of crafting electrifying experiences for businesses. Kitty recounts an exhilarating project with a major fashion-focused beauty brand. Working along with the brand’s guidelines, she discusses how it was a fun experience getting to work with the client and define what the event was going to look like. The Heroic team helped to transform the space into a vibrant runway show with pulsating music and flowing hair. The energy was electric, and it perfectly embodied the brand’s essence.This endeavor required an abundance of talent and vision, ultimately turning a space into an enchanting environment.

Kitty Leaves with a Parting Thought

As we wrap up this engaging podcast conversation, Kitty leaves us with a powerful reminder on the topic of ageism. It’s a perception that often casts a shadow over accomplished women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. But in reality, these decades are when women are at the pinnacle of their careers. They bring a wealth of experience and wisdom to the table, making them invaluable assets to any organization.

The most successful organizations recognize the significance of a diverse workforce spanning generations, from the energetic innovators in their 20s to the seasoned professionals in their 60s. “Generational experiences matter,” Simone aptly points out. It’s the blending of these diverse life experiences that often leads to the most extraordinary and innovative outcomes.

So, let’s remember that every age and stage of life is an opportunity for growth, contribution, and excellence. We hope this podcast leaves you ready to embark on your own journey of business greatness.

To learn more about our VP of Brand Experience, Kitty Hart, visit our website.To learn more about how Heroic can help you with your next event, contact us.

Heroic Productions Delivers Audiovisual to Gustavus Adolphus College’s Nobel Conference

On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, Heroic Productions had the sheer joy of bringing Gustavus Adolphus College’s annual Nobel Conference to life! Since 1965, the Nobel Conference has been a captivating platform, gathering leading researchers and thinkers at Gustavus to delve into groundbreaking, transformative, and urgent scientific matters, as well as the ethical questions that invariably accompany them. Over the years, many Nobel Laureates have been guest lecturers. Heroic has had the privilege of being the creative audiovisual force behind this conference for the past decade!

The Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College using Heroic Audiovisual

This year’s theme? “Insects: Little Body, Big Impact.” Our team was buzzing with anticipation as we embraced the responsibility of orchestrating the audiovisual experience, ensuring the magic unfolded right before your very eyes.

An Audiovisual Transformation

The metamorphosis occurs annually at Gustavus’s hockey arena, Lund Arena. With a fresh theme each year, our mission is to transform this space from an arena into a dynamic conference center. What makes it all the more thrilling is that this event is hybrid. This means we must craft an engaging atmosphere for both those in the room and those tuning in from the comfort of their homes via the livestream. And did we mention that this event spans two full 8 hour days?

The Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College using Heroic Audiovisual
The Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College using Heroic Audiovisual

Setting the Stage

Our incredible audiovisual crew waved their magic wands and turned an ordinary room into a captivating experience for both our in-person and online audience. We kicked things off by setting up not one, not two, but four gigantic projection screens that brought content and live footage to life. Behind the speakers and panelists, we utilized five LED towers for background. This created the perfect stage for them to shine. To make sure every angle was covered for our livestream audience, our crew decided on four cameras, ensuring that no moment was missed!

Our lighting guru, Bex, bathed the walls in exquisite shades of green and blue, mirroring the signature colors of the conference’s featured insect, the scarab beetle. Three hundred feet of Truss was installed to handle the lighting and video. 

Now, let’s talk sound. Our audio maestros were in their element, ensuring that live music, speakers, and panelists seamlessly took center stage all day long. Coordinating this auditory extravaganza was no small feat. However, they nailed it, making sure that everyone’s voice was heard exactly when it needed to be.

The Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College using Heroic Audiovisual
The Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College using Heroic Audiovisual

Lights! Camera! Action!

The event unfolded flawlessly. The presenters were exceptional, and the music was nothing short of divine. Gustavus even featured a new jazz work with dancers to lead the opening academic procession! We’re already counting down the days until the next Nobel Conference next year.

To learn more about our work, visit our website.

To see how we can help you transform your next event, contact us.

Marketers’ Community at Heroic Productions Presents Navigating Marketing Leadership in an Era of Disruption

Greetings, fellow marketers! On a crisp October 10th evening, Heroic Productions rolled out the red carpet to welcome the Marketers’ Community back into STUDIO15 for an event that delved deep into the intricacies of mastering chaos and navigating marketing leadership in an era of disruption. 

Once again, we joined forces with the dynamic duo, Laura King and Abby Kelsey, to bring marketers an evening they won’t soon forget.

Sip, Savor, & Socialize!

The night kicked off with a bang, or should we say, a clink of glasses. Over 65 enthusiastic marketers gathered in Heroic’s lobby for a solid hour of networking. Our bar was stocked to the brim, and we had delectable NA options thanks to the magic touch of Jen Gilhoi from Zero Proof Collective. Attendees savored delectable drinks, nibbled on scrumptious bites, and engaged in some good old-fashioned chit-chat.

In the meantime, behind the scenes, the Heroic team was busy setting the stage for an evening of important conversation. Our ripple wall was bathed in a mesmerizing blue hue, and the projection screens awash in the signature colors of Marketers’ Community.

Marketing Leadership with Marketers Community Event
Marketing Leadership with Marketers Community Event
Marketing Leadership with Marketers Community Event
Marketing Leadership with Marketers Community Event
Marketing Leadership with Marketers Community Event
Marketing Leadership with Marketers Community Event

Debbie Schwake Unveils Chaos in Marketing Leadership

Our keynote speaker, the illustrious Debbie Schwake, CMO at the Pedowitz Group, wasted no time in diving headfirst into the heart of chaos. She candidly shared her own journey navigating the turbulent waters of marketing leadership during these trying times.

Even a seasoned marketing leader like Debbie couldn’t escape the whirlwind of change sweeping through four crucial areas: generational shifts, evolving team dynamics, shifting consumer behaviors, and the transformation of leadership itself.

Four Keys to Mastering Chaos

Debbie’s wisdom? To successfully navigate this era of disruption, we need to adapt in four critical areas:

  • Generational: Get to know your audience inside out and tailor your approach to resonate with their unique generational values.
  • Team: Embrace the evolving dynamics of work and prioritize that ever-elusive work-life balance.
  • Consumer: Map and enhance customer experiences to reduce friction and emphasize impeccable service.
  • Leadership: Revamp your fundamental marketing leadership strategies and give due consideration to the impact of stress on decision-making.

Then came the interactive part! In small groups of 4-6, marketers dove deep into these four key areas. They brainstormed, shared insights, and got creative in deciphering how to chart a path through the chaos.

Insights Galore!

The feedback was nothing short of enlightening. One group pointed out the importance of catering to each generation’s unique concerns, like Gen Z’s passionate stance on climate change. Another shared a CEO’s approach to letting employees choose when and where they work, likening it to a “pick your own adventure” at work.

Consumer trust was another hot topic, exemplified by Bombas, the sock company that replaces your Bombas socks free of charge if they garner any holes.

One group highlighted the idea of leadership tailoring itself to each individual within the company and shaping the company culture around individual needs. The conversations in the room flowed with brilliant insights.

The Party Continues

As the presentation wrapped up, the energy in the room remained palpable. Marketers were buzzing with excitement, eager to continue the spirited discussions with their peers.

It was a night to remember! One of insights, connection, and ideation. Stay tuned for more fun in STUDIO15 from Heroic Productions. Until next time!

To learn more about what Heroic can do for your next event, visit our website.

Interested in learning more about STUDIO15? Reach out to our VP of Client Brand Experience, Kitty Hart, here.

Perfecting Event Logistics: A Proven Plan for Seamlessly Moving Your Event Attendees

Moving your event attendees from one place to another to support your event’s goals and schedule can be a big challenge in event logistics, and sometimes, it feels a bit like herding cats. However, I recently attended the Raise conference hosted by OneCause in vibrant Nashville, TN, and there I had the pleasure of meeting Matt Newsom, a nationally renowned benefit auctioneer and fundraiser. In his enlightening session titled “Back to the Ballroom,” Matt shared a foolproof strategy for effortlessly guiding your event attendees between different spaces and activities. I’m excited to share Matt’s top tips, combined with my own experiences, to ensure your guests move with purpose and enthusiasm.

Mastering Event Logistics: 4 Tips for Guiding Attendees

1. The Grand Unveil: Make It Spectacular

The first trick is to turn the transition into a show-stopping event itself. Give your guests a compelling reason to want to move to the next space or activity and reveal it in a captivating way. This can be as straightforward as using dazzling lights and uplifting music, or as extravagant as having aerialists suspended from the ceiling and stilt walkers roaming the area (both of which I’ve used to great success, receiving a chorus of “oohs” and “ahhs”). Regardless of the approach, make the reveal a performance – consider stationing volunteers at all entryways to open doors in a choreographed fashion, parting curtains to unveil the next space, or using lighting to transform a dim area into a vibrant one. When done right, the transition itself becomes a form of entertainment!

Image of acrobat

2. Communication is Key (Repeat, Repeat, Repeat)

In marketing, there’s a well-known rule that people need to hear a message at least seven times before taking action. While you might not have the luxury of repeating your message seven times, use every available tool to ensure your attendees know it’s time to move. This could involve sending automated text messages to attendees, using pre-recorded Voice of God announcements, or updating screens around the venue with pre-designed slides, reminding everyone it’s time to transition and where to go. Evaluate the tools at your disposal in terms of space and technology and put them to good use!

3. Identify “Pushers” and “Pullers”

Before your event, pinpoint individuals who can help convey your message effectively. “Pushers” (often event staff or volunteers) will move through the room, politely encouraging attendees to wrap up their conversations and head to their seats or the next area. On the other hand, “pullers” will serve as in-room influencers, showing others precisely what they should do. Speak with your board, event committee, volunteers, staff, or other key leaders in advance, and ask them to watch for visual, auditory, or verbal cues. When it’s time to move, they can gather their table, friends, or other attendees and lead the way to the next location.

Image of attendees chatting

4. Timing is Everything: Closing the Bars

Closing the bars might not be the most popular move, but it can be effective when done strategically. Position a staff member or volunteer at the end of the line about 10 minutes before you intend to close the bar. Kindly direct guests trying to join the line to enjoy a cocktail, dinner, dessert, or the next exciting thing in the next space or at a designated time. When that designated person reaches the front of the line, seal the deal by physically removing the bartender from the bar.

Embrace the Fun in Event Logistics!

So, the next time you find yourself orchestrating an event and facing the logistical challenge of guiding attendees from one experience to the next, don’t dread it. Embrace it as a chance to dazzle, engage, and entertain. By following these strategies, you’ll not only keep your event on track but also turn the transition moments into unforgettable highlights of the day.

With a little creativity, a lot of communication, and the right team, you’ll not only avoid “herding cats” but will have your guests purring with delight as they smoothly flow from one memorable experience to the next. Happy herding!

This post was written by Sarah Kier, Events Manager at Children’s Cancer Research Fund.

For more event planning tips, download our Corporate Event Strategies Guide. To dive deeper into event logistics, contact us